报告题目:When IoT Meets Big Data
报告人: 曹建龙 教授 香港理工大学
报告题目:Machine Intelligence in Geo-Distributed Systems: From Cloud to Edge
报告人: 郭嵩 教授 香港理工大学

Dr. Cao is currently a Chair Professor of Department of Computing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He is also the director of the Internet and Mobile Computing Lab in the department and the director of University’s Research Facility in Big Data Analytics. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, wireless sensing and networks, pervasive and mobile computing, and big data and cloud computing. He has co-authored 5 books, co-edited 9 books, and published over 500 papers in major international journals and conference proceedings. He received Best Paper Awards from conferences including DSAA’2017, IEEE SMARTCOMP 2016, ISPA 2013, IEEE WCNC 2011, etc.
He served the Chair of the Technical Committee on Distributed Computing of IEEE Computer Society 2012-2014, a member of IEEE Fellows Evaluation Committee of the Computer Society and the Reliability Society, a member of IEEE Computer Society Education Awards Selection Committee, a member of IEEE Communications Society Awards Committee, and a member of Steering Committee of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Dr. Cao has served as chairs and members of organizing and technical committees of many international conferences, and as associate editor and member of the editorial boards of many international journals. Dr. Cao is a fellow of IEEE and ACM distinguished member. In 2017, he received the Overseas Outstanding Contribution Award from China Computer Federation.

Song Guo is a Full Professor at Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests are mainly in the areas of big data, cloud computing and networking, and distributed systems. His work was recognized by the 2016 Annual Best of Computing in ACM Computing Reviews. He is the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Systems Journal Annual Best Paper Award and other five Best Paper Awards from IEEE/ACM conferences. Prof. Guo was an Associate Editor of IEEE TPDS and an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer. He is now on the editorial board of IEEE TCC, IEEE TETC, IEEE TSUSC, IEEE TGCN, IEEE Network, etc. Prof. Guo also served as General and TPC Chair for numerous IEEE conferences. He currently serves as a Director and Member of the Board of Governors of ComSoc.